Kubernetes 中有很多需要重试的地方,比如重启 Pod、CSI 的 PVC 挂载重试等。出错重试时通常都会等待一个指数增长的时间,本文就来解析这个等待重试的机制。
Pod 的 CrashLoopBackOff 状态
经常使用 Kubernetes 的朋友应该对 CrashLoopBackOff 不陌生,这是一种较常见的 Pod 异常状态。通常发生在 Pod 内的进程启动失败或意外退出(退出码不为 0),而 Pod 的重启策略为 OnFailure
或 Always
,kubelet 重启该 Pod 后。
该状态表示 Pod 在运行失败不断重启的循环中,而 kubelet 每次重启的时候都会等待指数级增长的时间。这个重启等待时间就是通过 backoff
// If a container is still in backoff, the function will return a brief backoff error and
// a detailed error message.
func (m *kubeGenericRuntimeManager) doBackOff(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus, backOff *flowcontrol.Backoff) (bool, string, error) {
var cStatus *kubecontainer.Status
for _, c := range podStatus.ContainerStatuses {
if c.Name == container.Name && c.State == kubecontainer.ContainerStateExited {
cStatus = c
if cStatus == nil {
return false, "", nil
klog.V(3).InfoS("Checking backoff for container in pod", "containerName", container.Name, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
// Use the finished time of the latest exited container as the start point to calculate whether to do back-off.
ts := cStatus.FinishedAt
// backOff requires a unique key to identify the container.
key := getStableKey(pod, container)
if backOff.IsInBackOffSince(key, ts) {
if containerRef, err := kubecontainer.GenerateContainerRef(pod, container); err == nil {
m.recorder.Eventf(containerRef, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.BackOffStartContainer,
fmt.Sprintf("Back-off restarting failed container %s in pod %s", container.Name, format.Pod(pod)))
err := fmt.Errorf("back-off %s restarting failed container=%s pod=%s", backOff.Get(key), container.Name, format.Pod(pod))
klog.V(3).InfoS("Back-off restarting failed container", "err", err.Error())
return true, err.Error(), kubecontainer.ErrCrashLoopBackOff
backOff.Next(key, ts)
return false, "", nil
backoff 的用法
使用 backoff
的方法很简单,只需要用到 .IsInBackOffSince
和 .Next
func startBackoff() {
backOff := flowcontrol.NewBackOff(5*time.Second, 60*time.Second)
backOffID := "test"
lastDo := time.Now()
t := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
defer t.Stop()
for range t.C {
if backOff.IsInBackOffSince(backOffID, lastDo) { // 判断当前是否应该执行
fmt.Printf("doing work after %s\n", time.Now().Sub(lastDo))
backOff.Next(backOffID, time.Now()) // 标记已经执行过了
lastDo = time.Now()
doing work after 1.001035775s
doing work after 5.999162394s
doing work after 10.9999193s
doing work after 21.000754631s
doing work after 40.999154124s
也可以对特定 id 重新计时:
将所有 id 全部清除:
backoff 的实现原理
backoff 的实现就百来行代码,短小精悍。主结构体内定义了每个 id 对应的任务执行时间和等待时间。
在记录当前执行时间时,将等待时间设置为上一次等待时间乘 2,实现等待时间指数级增长的效果:
func (p *Backoff) Next(id string, eventTime time.Time) {
defer p.Unlock()
entry, ok := p.perItemBackoff[id]
if !ok || hasExpired(eventTime, entry.lastUpdate, p.maxDuration) {
entry = p.initEntryUnsafe(id)
entry.backoff += p.jitter(entry.backoff)
} else {
delay := entry.backoff * 2 // exponential
delay += p.jitter(entry.backoff) // add some jitter to the delay
entry.backoff = min(delay, p.maxDuration)
entry.lastUpdate = p.Clock.Now()
func (p *Backoff) IsInBackOffSince(id string, eventTime time.Time) bool {
defer p.RUnlock()
entry, ok := p.perItemBackoff[id]
if !ok {
return false
if hasExpired(eventTime, entry.lastUpdate, p.maxDuration) {
return false
return p.Clock.Since(eventTime) < entry.backoff